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Monthly Archives: April 2024

Knock Knock! What Your Engine Noise is Telling You

Knock Knock! What Your Engine Noise is Telling You

Have you ever been driving when suddenly you hear a knocking sound coming from your engine? It's a concerning noise that can leave any driver feeling worried and unsure of what to do next. What are the reasons behind engine knocking, what could be telling you about your vehicle's health, and what steps should you take to address this issue promptly? What is Engine Knocking Engine knocking, also known as detonation or spark knock, occurs when the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber ignites prematurely or unevenly. This premature ignition creates a knocking or pinging sound that is often described as metallic or rattling in nature. Several factors can contribute to engine knocking, including low-quality fuel, incorrect ignition timing, carbon buildup in the combustion chamber, and engine overheating. What Your Engine Is Trying to Tell You ... read more