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Monthly Archives: March 2022

When Should I Get New Tires?

When Should I Get New Tires?

Besides the obvious flat tire or blowout, how are you supposed to tell when you need new tires? Well, you need to look at its tread depth. Tire treads are the grooves or ridges in car tires that support their grip on the road. Over time, these smoothen out and can bring down your vehicle's performance and safety.    You might be wondering, "at what point is it too thin or dangerous" You can tell by doing this easy test called the penny test. More About the Penny Test The US Dept. of Transportation claims that you should not let your tread fall below 2/32". Once it reaches 2/32", you likely won't pass your vehicle inspection. Furthermore, your driving can become dangerous as early as having 4/32" of the tread.  With a measure that small, it's hard to tell with your eye alone. And most people don't have fancy tread measuring tools. Thankfully, you can trust the penny test! Steps Using the penny, place the coin with the head u ... read more